Can You Drink Water While Intermittent Fasting?


Determine which foods and beverages are allowed and which are not during a fast. Can you drink water while intermittent fasting? It can be challenging to determine. For example, many individuals are curious about whether or not it's safe to drink water.

It is generally accepted that a fasting person can consume water. Still, when answering this question, there may be some subtle nuances to consider, even though water is usually safe to drink while fasting. Fasts of different types and other reasons might have unique guidelines they should follow to succeed. This article discusses whether or not you are permitted to drink water while participating in various forms of fasts.

Fasting On An Intermittent Basis

Intermittent fasting

It is a pattern of eating known as "intermittent fasting," in which individuals go without eating for a set amount of time at regular intervals. Typically, these durations of time are 12 to 16 hours per day, once or twice a week, or 24 hours at least once every two weeks.

There will be a natural drop in your blood sugar levels and insulin levels when you fast. A solid meal, on the other hand, increases your blood sugar status and stimulates the release of insulin, the hormone that transports sugar from your circulation to the cells in your body when eaten.

The solid foods you eat will cause your body to rejoin the fed state and cause you to break your fast as a result. While breaking down and digesting the food you have consumed, your body may remain in this fed state for several hours.

In contrast, drinking water does not affect insulin or blood sugar levels in the body. Therefore, you can consume this product while you are on an intermittent fast, and it is safe to drink.

To maintain a healthy level of hydration in your body while engaging in an intermittent fast, it is strongly advised to consume water as often as possible to ensure you remain hydrated.

What About The Water-Only Fast?

intermittent fasting water

Among the notable exceptions to this rule would be dry fasting. Dry fasting is essentially abstaining from all meals, beverages, and water for a specified period that will be determined beforehand at the beginning of the fast.

Some individuals who are intermittently fasting choose to undertake a dry fast when they are intermittently fasting.

If you decide to embark on a dry fast, you need to talk to a qualified medical professional first since you may end up experiencing dehydration and other health issues due to this practice.


Since drinking water does not hurt blood sugar or insulin levels during intermittent fasting, drinking water can often be tolerated by people on intermittent fasting. Several different types of fasting exist, but the most common one is the dry fast, which does not include drinking water throughout the fast.

The Practice Of Fasting Before Medical Treatments

The Practice Of Fasting Before Medical Treatments

In the hours leading up to medical treatment, it is common practice to recommend that patients abstain from food consumption for anywhere between 8 and 12 hours.

In most cases, this fasting ensures that the patient goes into surgery with an empty stomach, which helps reduce the likelihood of problems such as vomiting, regurgitation, and aspiration.

Because transparent liquids like water are swiftly digested, specific medical experts may let you consume water up to two hours before your treatment. This is because clear liquids like water are easily absorbed into the body.

Nevertheless, it is of the utmost need to verify with your medical staff the particular requirements for drinking water before your surgery.


Clear liquids may be consumed up to two hours before a medical treatment; nevertheless, it is advisable to consult your healthcare team for specific recommendations before consuming any clear liquids.

Other Fast-Friendly Drinks

Fast-Friendly Drinks

While you are engaging in intermittent fasting, in addition to water, you are permitted to consume other liquids as long as they do not contain any calories. These are the following:

  • Unsweetened coffee
  • Tea that is not sweetened.
  • Water with added flavors
  • Sparkling water
  • Lemon water

Your fast's level of stringency will determine whether you are allowed to consume bone broth. Small quantities, even though it is high in fat and calories, have the potential to give essential vitamins and minerals to the body during prolonged fasts.

Safe Liquids For Medical Operations

Water with added flavors

Before undergoing medical operations, patients are occasionally permitted to consume clear beverages. Some of them are:

  • Sparkling water
  • Water with added flavors
  • Transparent liquid
  • Pulp-free fruit juice
  • Plain gelatin
  • Tea that is not sweetened.
  • Ice pops that are transparent

Before your operation or treatment, you should make it a point to inquire with the members of your healthcare team about the types of liquids acceptable for consumption.


During a period of intermittent fasting, you are permitted to consume not just water but also several other beverages that are devoid of calories. Before undergoing medical procedures, you might also be allowed to drink particular clear liquids.

Avoid These Beverages When You Are On A Fast


Certain beverages, especially those high in calories or sugar, might cause you to break your fast.

Similarly, drinking a wide variety of drinks during medical treatment may raise the likelihood of problems and should be avoided.

While you are fasting, you should steer clear of beverages such as these examples:

  • Soda
  • Drink tea
  • Sports drinks
  • Coffee is accompanied by either milk, cream, or sugar.
  • Energy drinks
  • Smoothies
  • Milk
  • Alcohol

Fruit juice without the pulp is occasionally permitted before medical operations. However, it is not allowed during intermittent fasting because of the sugar and calories it contains.


A fast may be broken by drinking many beverages, raising the risk of difficulties during medical treatment.

The Bare Essentials

Water consumption is often allowed during the duration of an intermittent fast.

Although particular rules may vary widely from case to case, can you drink water while intermittent fasting and other clear beverages up to two hours before your medical treatment?

Other beverages for consumption at fast food establishments include black coffee, tea without sugar, and flavored or sparkling water.