16/8 Intermittent Fasting Morning Workout

16/8 Intermittent Fasting Morning Workout

16/8 Intermittent Fasting Morning Workout

Updated on 2/6/2025
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

I have been presented with concerns regarding the practice of 16/8 intermittent fasting morning workouts, and these questions have come to me from all directions. Regarding the potential positive effects on one's health that intermittent fasting can have, starting the day with a vigorous workout could greatly assist in maximizing those effects.

16/8 intermittent fasting morning workout

16/8 intermittent fasting morning workout

The insulin levels in your body have returned to normal now that you are near breaking your fast, which is why they have returned to normal. The result is that your body has stopped acquiring fat and is now burning fat that it already has stored to lose weight. When you exercise, the only fat you will burn is the fat that has already been accumulated in your body; any more fat consumed will be stored as new fat. The following appears to be the source of confusion for the vast majority of people:

"When should I be eating? Or when should I break my fast?" after my morning workout. AND,

"Is there a specified time limit when I should eat my meal?"

The Answer Is No, And Here's Why:

When you exercise, you tear down the muscular fibers in your muscles and deplete the glycogen stores in your muscles, both of which can leave you feeling painful and tired afterward. It makes perfect sense to eat as soon as possible, given that you are feeling weary and your muscles are hurting, right?

WRONG! Despite popular belief, there is NO BENEFIT to eating immediately after an exercise. When would be a good time for me to have something to eat? Or, when precisely should I break my fast? I asked myself this question as soon as I had finished my morning workout. 




After a workout, our bodies go through a process known as protein synthesis, transforming protein into muscle. Training takes place when our muscles are repairing and rebuilding themselves. In contrast to the widespread belief, research conducted at McMaster University reveals that this process continues in our bodies for up to 24 hours after we have finished an exercise. Workout indicates that so long as we refuel our bodies within twenty-four hours, we will be able to burn fat, grow muscle, and recover correctly.

It has also been demonstrated that as time passes, protein synthesis and fat metabolization increases after an exercise. It would be best if you waited a few hours before eating or breaking your fast to get the most benefit from your workout, and your activity will be more beneficial if you do this. Even though this is the case, there are instances when it might be challenging to maintain fasting after a workout because our metabolism is going quicker, we are more FIRED UP, and we are feeling hungry.

If you feel like this after working out, know that this is a typical response. It does not imply that you have to eat right afterward; on the contrary, if you want to complete a fast lasting the whole 16 hours, then delaying your meal for a couple of extra hours will benefit you!



When organizing the calendar for your intermittent fasting routine, it is a HUGE benefit to know that you do not NEED to eat immediately after working out to experience results in your weight loss efforts. I've put together a FREE FASTING GUIDE that will teach you precisely how to organize your daily fasting schedule and help you learn how to fast more effectively. Click this link, and you will download it to your computer! Similarly, those who do not work out in the morning should note that to reap the benefits of intermittent fasting, you are NOT required to work out in the morning or while fasting to do so.

You will indeed burn more fat when exercising if you are in a fasting condition; nevertheless, if you cannot squeeze a morning workout into your schedule, you should not let this discourage you from working out.

In addition, it is essential to consider the length of time it takes for our bodies to enter a fasting condition. It is impossible to enter a "fasted condition" at 8 p.m. after eating your last meal at five in the afternoon. Our bodies take anywhere from 6 to 12 hours to enter a state of complete fasting after an initial period of starvation. Having reached a baseline in insulin levels, our bodies are now relying solely on body fat for fuel.

Because every person is unique, and your precise transition time into a fasting state will depend on several variables, including your gender, the rate of your metabolism, and the foods you consume during the day, it is impossible to provide a universally accurate estimate.



If you can exercise in the morning, the following is some advice on how to coordinate your workout routine with your intermittent fasting schedule:

First step: Determine How Many Hours You Can Go Without Eating Each Day.

The 16:8 fasting window is the most popular type of fasting window, which implies that you fast for 16 hours and then allow an eating window of 8 hours. Your fasting window might be anything from 12 to 18 hours, and the more hours you fast, the more beneficial the fast will be for you. If I follow the standard 16:8 ratio before a workout, I can be confident that my body is in a fasting condition, which helps me get the most out of my activities.

Second step: To Specify When You Perform Your Workouts.

Next, consider when you typically do your workouts and keep it in mind. To guarantee that you reap the best advantages of your training, time it so that it begins at least one hour before you want to break your fast. As I explained, the longer you wait, the more rewards you will accrue due to your patience. After I've finished working out, I make it a point to hold off on breaking my fast for at least two


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Third Step: How About The Rest Of The Day?

Based on your ratio, plan out the rest of your day and determine what time your last meal will be. For instance, if you went with the 16:8 balance and ate your first meal at ten in the morning, you should make it a point to have your final dinner at six in the evening.

This three-step technique will work for you regardless of what time you choose to work out in the morning or when you break your fast; all you need to do is alter your hours according to your schedule. Make sure you click this link for your free guide on intermittent fasting and don't forget to follow the instructions! It provides information on everything you need to know to plan your daily fasting regimen!

Suppose you practice a 16/8 intermittent fasting morning workout but do not exercise first thing in the morning. In that case, you should schedule your activity whenever and wherever you have the opportunity during the day.