Low Cholesterol Diet and Dietary Guidelines

Low Cholesterol Diet

Low Cholesterol Diet

Updated on 10/20/2024
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

What can you do to lower cholesterol levels with a healthy diet, Also known as a low cholesterol diet, a therapeutic lifestyle change diet, or a TLC diet.

What Precisely Is Cholesterol?



Your body must have some cholesterol to function correctly. But if you have an excessive amount in your blood, it might cling to the inside of your arteries, causing them to become constricted or even blocked. Because of this, you are at an increased risk of developing coronary artery disease and other heart problems.

Lipoproteins are cholesterol carriers as it makes their way through the bloodstream. LDL cholesterol is the form that is referred to as the "bad" cholesterol. The accumulation of cholesterol in your arteries is caused by having a high LDL level. HDL cholesterol, a different kind, is commonly referred to as the "good" cholesterol. It transports cholesterol produced in other regions of your body to the liver, where it is processed. After that, your liver will get rid of any remaining cholesterol in your body.

What kinds Of Therapies Are Available For Those Who Have High Cholesterol?



Alterations to one's lifestyle that are better for the heart, in conjunction with medical intervention, are the therapies for high cholesterol. Lifestyle changes include adopting a nutritious diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and engaging in regular physical exercise.

How Can I Modify My Diet To Reduce My Cholesterol Levels?

Alterations to one's way of life that are good for the heart include dieting to reduce cholesterol. One such strategy is known as the DASH eating plan. Another option is the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes diet, which encourages you to change how you now live. Pick fats that are better for you.

You should keep your overall saturated fat intake to a minimum. You should not get more than 25 to 35% of your daily calories from fats in your diet, and fewer than 7% of those calories should come from saturated fat. The following is a list of the maximum quantities of fats that you should consume each day, depending on the number of calories that you consume daily:

Calories per Day Total Fat Saturated Fat
1,50042-58 grams10 grams
2,00056-78 grams13 grams
2,50069-97 grams17 grams

The consumption of saturated fats should be avoided at all costs, as they contribute significantly to the increase in LDL cholesterol, also known as "bad cholesterol," and is one of the most harmful dietary components." It may be found in various foods, including meats, dairy products, chocolate, baked goods, fried meals, and processed foods.

Another unhealthy fat is trans fat, which may increase your LDL levels while bringing your HDL levels down (good cholesterol). Stick margarine, crackers, and french fries are all foods that often include trans fat since they are prepared with hydrogenated oils and fats.



Try substituting these unhealthy fats with some of the better fats in foods like lean meat, nuts, and unsaturated oils such as olive, canola, and safflower oil.

The consumption of high cholesterol foods should be reduced. If you are aiming to decrease your cholesterol, the amount of cholesterol in your low-carb diet should be less than 200 milligrams per day. Cholesterol is found in animal meals, such as liver and other organ meats, egg yolks, shrimp, and dairy products made from whole milk, and cholesterol may also be found in supplement form.

Consume a diet rich in soluble fiber. Consuming foods rich in soluble fiber may prevent cholesterol absorption through the digestive system. These kinds of foods are included:

  • Cereals made from whole grains, such as oatmeal and oat bran,
  • Apples, bananas, oranges, pears, and prunes are examples of fruits that fall under this category.
  • Lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, lima beans, and black-eyed peas are all legumes.

To maintain a healthy diet, consuming fresh fruits and vegetables is essential. Eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables capsules may increase your body's levels of important chemicals that decrease cholesterol. These chemicals, which are found in plants and are known as plant stanols or sterols, function similarly to soluble fiber.



Consume seafood rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as wild salmon. These acids will not bring down the amount of bad LDL cholesterol in your blood, but they may help improve the level of good HDL cholesterol. Additionally, they may protect your heart against blood clots and inflammation, therefore lowering the likelihood that you may have a heart attack. Salmon, mackerel, and tuna (fresh or canned) are three types of fish that are particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Make it a goal to consume these fish twice a week.

Limit salt. You should make it a goal to limit the amount of sodium (salt) consumed daily to no more than 2,300 milligrams, equivalent to about one teaspoon of salt. This accounts for all the sodium you consume, whether added in the kitchen, at the table, or in the food product itself. Keeping your salt intake to a minimum will not bring down your cholesterol levels, but it will help bring down your blood pressure, which will, in turn, bring down your chance of developing heart disease. Rather than opting for high-sodium meals and spices, you may cut down on your sodium intake by selecting low-sodium or "no added salt" options while eating out or in the kitchen.



Limit alcohol. You are consuming alcohol results in an increase in calorie intake, which may contribute to weight gain. Being overweight might cause your LDL level to rise while simultaneously causing your HDL level to drop. Drinking an excessive amount of alcohol may elevate both your blood pressure and your triglyceride level, which both contribute to an increased risk of heart disease. One drink is equal to a tiny quantity of liquor, a glass of wine, or a beer, and the following is the advice for consumption:

According to the guidelines, men should limit their intake of alcoholic beverages to a maximum of two per day.

Women are recommended to limit themselves to no more than one alcoholic beverage daily.

You can determine the amount of fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, fiber, and salt in the foods you purchase by reading the nutrition labels on the packages. As a result, you now know how to lower cholesterol by eating a low cholesterol diet.