What You Need To Know About Stevia Side Effects

Stevia Side Effects

Stevia Side Effects

Updated on 2/6/2025
Natalia MarinBy Natalia Marin
Natalia Marin
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Stevia is a sweetener that does not contribute any nutrients to the body and is composed of steviol glycosides. It does not contribute any calories to your diet and has no nutritional value. The Stevia plant is where stevia comes from and is then taken from those leaves. Stevia side effects compounds were extracted and purified from the leaves of the Stevia plant. Stevia is a plant that is native to South America. South American countries are the stevia plant's natural habitat.

Stevia is currently being used as a sugar substitute by an ever-increasing number of people interested in reducing the number of calories they take in daily. Stevia is being used by people interested in reducing the number of calories they take in daily. In this piece, we look at the potential dangers and undesirable repercussions connected with the consumption of this natural sweetener.

What Is Stevia?

What is stevia?

What is stevia?

People worldwide have used stevia leaves for many years as a natural sweetener and herbal supplement. Stevia is native to South America. The sweetness of stevia leaves can reportedly range anywhere from one hundred to two hundred times that of regular white sugar, as stated by one reliable source.

On the other hand, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States of America believes that high-purity steviol glycosides are the only ones that are appropriate for consumption by humans at this time.

It is against the law for businesses to sell sweetening products containing any of these components because the FDA has not granted authorization for using crude stevia extracts or stevia leaves as an additive in food items. Stevia leaves are a natural sweetener, and stevia is a plant that comes from the stevia plant and is related to it.

Risks And Side Effects

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) findings, the maximum amount of steviol equivalents you can consume safely daily is 4 milligrams (mg) per kilogram of body weight. This recommendation applies to adults and children, and the Food and Drug Administration has suggested doing so. That amounts to the individual taking approximately 12 milligrams of high-purity stevia extracts daily for every kilogram they weigh.

According to experts in the field, using highly purified stevia in food as a sweetener or contributing taste is not associated with any detrimental implications that could develop in the future. Stevia is a plant that is native to South America.

Stevia Side Effects

Stevia Side Effects

Although several studies have been conducted over the past few decades to investigate the possibility of adverse reactions to stevia, most studies have been conducted on laboratory animals. The findings of many of these studies have since been discredited. Despite this, several investigations have been carried out to investigate the possibility of adverse reactions to stevia. Despite this, throughout the last few decades, several types of research have been conducted to study the likelihood of adverse reactions to stevia.

Consumption of stevia may also be linked to other potential adverse effects, such as the following list of side effects:

Kidney Damage

Because it is a diuretic, stevia has the potential to hasten the rate at which the body rids itself of excess water and electrolytes through the process of urination. That is because stevia is in this category. That is because it has the potential to stimulate the kidneys to produce more urine. Researchers first believed that consuming stevia over a prolonged length of time could cause damage to the kidneys due to the kidneys' role in making urine and filtering blood. However, further investigation disproved this hypothesis. Stevia's consumption spans a considerable amount of time.

On the other hand, findings from more recent studies have led experts to conclude that stevia may assist in preventing kidney damage. In a survey carried out in a laboratory 2013 and published in 2013, you established that stevia could prevent cysts' development in kidney cells. It has been demonstrated that stevia can prevent the formation of cysts in kidney cells.

Gastrointestinal Symptoms

Stevia Side Effects

Stevia Side Effects

Sugar alcohols are sometimes added to goods containing stevia. Individuals susceptible to the compounds in stevia may develop adverse side effects due to the sugar alcohol, especially if they consume stevia products containing sugar alcohol. Some goods made with stevia have been shown to contain sugar and alcohol.

Even though hypersensitivity to sugar alcohol is not extremely common, those who suffer from it may have the following symptoms:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • indigestion
  • cramping
  • bloating

Several studies conducted using human and rat cell cultures and those born with rodents have suggested that steviol glycosides may have some potential health benefits for the gastrointestinal tract. It has been demonstrated that consuming stevia can help lessen and minimize diarrhea in addition to the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Allergic Reaction

The number of people who have claimed that they have suffered an allergic reaction to stevia is deficient, according to an investigation carried out in 2015 by a reliable source. Stevia has been shown to cause very few allergic reactions. The conclusion that only a tiny percentage of the general population is either severely hypersensitive to stevia or is in danger of having an allergic reaction to it has been reached by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Commission.

Stevia Side Effects

Stevia Side Effects

Hypoglycemia Or Low Blood Sugar

You previously believed that consuming significant amounts of stevia over a prolonged period could result in hypoglycemia, also frequently known as low blood sugar. This theory was based on the fact that stevia has not affected blood sugar levels. On the other hand, a recent study has shown that this is not the case in any way, shape, or form. Patients with diabetes may discover that stevia assists them in better controlling the levels of blood sugar in their bodies.

Although it is a highly improbable occurrence, the only persons for whom this is still possible are those whose blood sugar levels are abnormally low.

Low Blood Pressure

Stevia is well-known for its ability to operate as a vasodilator, which indicates that it causes the blood vessels to widen in response to its stimulation and, consequently, reduces the amount of blood pressure experienced by the individual throughout their entire body. Researchers have recently investigated the prospective beneficial applications of this use at present.

Any substance that can lower a patient's blood pressure can put that patient at risk for developing health problems, mainly if the meaning is used excessively or for an extended period. That is especially true when the substance is used to lower the patient's blood pressure. People who have difficulties keeping their blood pressure under control should speak with a medical professional before consuming stevia for an extended period, particularly if they are currently taking medication to lower their blood pressure.

Endocrine Disruption

Stevia Side Effects

Stevia Side Effects

Steviol glycosides, a class of steroids, can potentially interfere with how hormones, which are controlled by the endocrine system, normally act in the body. That is because steviol glycosides are a member of the steroid family. According to a study conducted in 2016 and published in 2017, human sperm cells exposed to steviol exhibited an increase in the rate at which they synthesized the hormone progesterone. That was shown by the fact that the study was carried out in 2016.

Who Should Not Use Stevia?

Stevia should not be used by those who have any of the following disorders, as it could make their symptoms worse:

  • When used regularly, stevia may put specific individuals at an increased risk of experiencing unfavorable side effects. That is because stevia is a sweetener derived from plants. That is because research has shown that stevia may reduce sugar and blood pressure levels in the blood and has diuretic properties. This effect is a result of stevia consumption.
  • Before consuming stevia or buying products that contain it, it is essential to consult a qualified medical professional regarding its safe and appropriate use. That is because there is a risk that stevia could interact with a variety of prescription drugs that would not be beneficial.
  • There are a variety of situations that, when present, may make it more likely that an individual will experience adverse reactions to stevia. Some of these conditions are detailed below.
  • Problems result from high blood pressure and using the medications intended to treat it.
  • disorders affecting the liver and the medications intended to treat those issues
Stevia Side Effects

Stevia Side Effects

  • Problems that develop with a person's kidneys and the medications that are recommended for treating those problems
  • Conditions that are related to the heart and the medicines that are used to treat those conditions
  • Medicines and drugs for hormone regulation and balancing
  • steroids
  • pharmaceuticals for the treatment of several distinct cancer types

Unsafe Forms Of Stevia

Stevia has a variety of different steviol glycosides, and these steviol glycosides can be broken down into five distinct categories due to their widespread dispersion. You can find examples of these categories in the following:

A study conducted in 2016 utilizing samples of human excrement concluded that all versions of the substance are probably safe for widespread usage. You presented this finding in the conclusion of the study. Even though most of the current research concentrates on the two most important chemicals found in stevia, stevioside, and rebaudioside A, this is the case (reb A). Stevia contains stevioside and rebaudioside A (also known as reb A). Stevia is a natural sweetener from a plant that you may add to food and drink, and stevia is extracted from the leaves of the stevia plant.

Stevia Side Effects

Stevia Side Effects

Despite this, there is currently a shortage of information that supports the utilization of stevia components that have undergone less processing in a manner that is free of the possibility of producing unfavorable consequences. As a direct consequence, the Food and Drug Administration does not acknowledge stevia leaves or their crude extracts as being appropriate for consumption by human beings.

There is mounting evidence to support the hypothesis that stevia capsules and extracts include adulterated forms of a number of their constituents. Most of these components are artificial sweeteners, which, as a previous study has shown, are linked to a range of adverse effects on health in a variety of different ways.

As a result, it is essential to purchase products that have been validated as containing at least 95% steviol glycoside and that do not have any synthetic sweeteners in their overall makeup. In other words, buying products that meet these requirements is necessary.

The following are some examples of typical compounds that may be present in stevia products; each one has the potential to cause damage if it is present in the product. Stevia is a plant-based sweetener that comes from the stevia plant.

  • maltodextrin
  • sodium saccharin
  • sodium cyclamate
  • aspartame

Stevia And Pregnancy

Stevia Side Effects

Stevia Side Effects

It is generally agreed upon that purified stevia does not present any risks to the health of pregnant women when it is ingested in proportions that are regarded to be within the safe range for human consumption. Stevia is a plant-based sweetener that comes from the stevia plant.

You discovered through research on developing rat embryos that stevia does not pose any danger to the developing tissues of the fetuses being studied. This study also proved that the outcome of pregnancies or fertility tests is unaffected by stevia, and stevia does not alter fertility in any way.

However, some of the typical counterfeit substances found in stevia combinations and formulations have been connected to significant issues and can potentially create birth abnormalities. That is because these ingredients have the potential to cause congenital disabilities. Saccharin is one of the components that are particularly noticeable compared to these other substances.

Stevia, when used in high quantities or over an extended length, may worsen common pregnancy symptoms by raising stress on organs such as the kidneys, bladder, and heart. Stevia is a natural sweetener that comes from the stevia plant. Because stevia grows the amount of work these organs have to do, it may cause these symptoms to become even more severe. Stevia is typically consumed in very high dosages over a protracted period, or you may finish it for any or both of these purposes.

If an individual consumes an excessive amount of products that contain stevia while they are pregnant, they put themselves at risk for several issues, some of which are as follows:

  • overheating
  • dehydration
  • A measurement that shows your blood pressure is too low when taken alone
  • constipation
  • A condition in which the kidneys either do not function at all or operate improperly
  • fatigue
  • headaches
  • mood swings
  • Cramps and vomiting accompany gastrointestinal distress, which may or may not, at times
  • low blood sugar


Stevia Side Effects

Stevia Side Effects

The researchers do not yet have a complete understanding of the numerous dangers that are connected to stevia. According to the findings of a review that was published in 2017 and that investigated the health outcomes and issues associated with zero-calorie sweeteners, You determined that not enough studies had been done to decide the overall safety of stevia. You reached that due to investigating the health outcomes and issues associated with zero-calorie sweeteners. That was the conclusion after researching the health effects and problems of zero-calorie sweeteners.

However, due to the widespread use of stevia, researchers are currently engaged in several significant and in-depth investigations on the topic.

In 2017, a test meal consisting of up to 3.5% stevia side effects was administered to rats as part of a pilot study. The rats were fed this diet for three months. The results of the study were regarded to be preliminary. The rats did not exhibit any clinical symptoms, nor did they have any alterations in their blood chemistry, cellular function, compensation, or external appearance. Additionally, the rats showed no signs of compensating for their condition. In addition, they did not experience any changes in these particular locations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay to consume stevia every day?

The World Health Organization has determined that the acceptable daily intake (ADI) of stevia is equivalent to 4 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. You produced these guidelines following international standards. According to an estimate that the FDA provided, this translates to a person who weighs 150 pounds being able to take up to 10 packets of stevia daily without experiencing any negative consequences from doing so. Because stevia has such a robust sweet taste, this constitutes a far larger quantity than is necessary.

Is stevia to be avoided?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given it OK for human ingestion of just the most refined form of stevia, known as stevioside. It is common practice to include phrases like "stevia extract" or "Stevia rebaudiana" on the ingredient lists of products that are marketed as having no known health risks. Do not purchase any of these products if you come across entire stevia leaves or crude stevia extracts when shopping at a natural foods store near your home. Stevia is a plant that has been used for medicinal and culinary purposes.

Does stevia have a negative impact on health?

Stevia, which has a lower caloric density than sugar, may be beneficial for weight management because it makes it simpler to consume an overall lower number of calories. This sugar replacement is excellent for individuals following diets that are low in calories or down in the number of carbohydrates they consume because it does not include any calories or carbohydrates.

Does stevia harm the kidneys?

The Food and Drug Administration has not given its blessing to incorporating stevia leaves or "crude stevia extracts" into food products. It has been shown that consumption of these sweeteners does not increase blood sugar levels; however, because they are still relatively new goods, it is advised that only a small amount be consumed at a time. The kidneys are shown to suffer damage, as shown in the course of several examinations.

What is the effect of stevia on the body?

Stevia has features that make it helpful in lowering inflammation and modifying the immune system. These properties include the ability to act as an immunomodulator and an anti-inflammatory. It accomplishes this by interfering with the I-Kappa-B kinases (IKK-beta) and Kappa B signaling pathways. That, in turn, leads to a decrease in the production of inflammatory chemicals in THP-1 cells stimulated by lipopolysaccharide. In addition, this results in a reduction of the production of cytokines, which are proteins that play a role in the immune response (LPS).

Is stevia capable of raising blood pressure?

There is some evidence to suggest that including stevia in one's diet can result in a lowering of one's blood pressure. Consuming stevia alongside medications that are indicated for treating high blood pressure could, in theory, result in your blood pressure dropping to an unsafely low level. On the other hand, the results of several studies suggest that stevia does not affect blood pressure.