Healthy Noodles With Low Carb Content, But Many Problems

Healthy Noodles With Low Carb Content, But Many Problems

Healthy Noodles With Low Carb Content, But Many Problems

Updated on 9/13/2024
Martin AlvarezBy Martin Alvarez
Nutritionist/Dietitian Professional Guide
Learn More about Martin Alvarez

What kind of ingredients goes into making Healthy Noodles?

Kibun, a Japanese company, is the manufacturer of Healthy Noodles, which are sourced from Japan. Okara is a byproduct of tofu production, and these noodles also contain soybean fiber and konjac powder. They are made from okara.

Sugar, fat, gluten, cholesterol, and dairy are absent in gluten-free, sugar-free, and cholesterol-free healthy noodles.

Healthy Noodles

The packaging for these Healthy Noodles asserts that they are adaptable and ready to be used in various ways.

They provide a recipe for an Italian dish called marinara and a recipe for a traditional Thai dish called pad thai, along with some images of the noodles used in those dishes.

In comparison to the dish made with marinara, the pad thai appears to have a more appetizing appearance in the photographs.

Does The Smell Of Healthy Noodles Remain?

They also include a check mark graphic that states the Healthy Noodles are Naturally White, Odorless, and Ready to Use. The claim that it does not have any odor stands out to me.

Healthy Noodle Checklist

healthy noodles

healthy noodles

I am relieved that these do not have a smell, but it makes me wonder how pungent these noodles used to smell or how spicy the alternative noodles offered by their competitors smell.

I have the impression that the word "odor" is quite forceful, and because of this, I am curious as to what motivated them to make this claim in the first place. If anyone knows this, please share their knowledge with the rest of us in the comments section.

Consuming Wholesome Noodles While Following A Ketogenic Or Low-Carb Diet

LOW CARB/KETO REVIEW: Kibun Foods Healthy Noodle from Costco

These noodles are also suitable for use in a ketogenic diet, in addition to being an excellent choice as a diet food for those who have diabetes, have celiac disease, or want to shed some pounds.

Compared to the typical amount of carbohydrates found in a serving of pasta, which is 28 grams per 4 ounces, these noodles only have 6 grams of carbs per 4 ounces.

These noodles cut out a significant amount of carbs, which decreased the number of calories per serving, from 150 for the pasta to 30 calories for Healthy Noodles.

I will elaborate on this topic in the section devoted to nutritional information.

What Is The Price Of The Healthy Noodle Product?

You can purchase Healthy Noodles for $16.49 per pound. Because there are six packs in each box, the price per 8-ounce pack comes to $2.75.

Healthy Noodles Packaging

healthy noodles

healthy noodles

A higher price than traditional pasta or even noodles, but it is worth the price for those who want to incorporate nutritious low-carb, low-calorie noodles into their lives.

Where Can I Purchase Some Healthy Noodles? 

The same company, Kibun, which produces Healthy Noodles, also sells Zero men Noodles in certain Asian grocery stores and specialty shops throughout the United States.

Because they do not need to be cooked, they can prepare healthy noodles in a snap by being washed in water after being purchased.

Even though I'm not entirely sure what we are removing from them, I will give them a thorough rinsing.

Plain Healthy Noodles

Plain Healthy Noodles

Plain Healthy Noodles

After you have rinsed the noodles, pat them dry with paper towels so that you do not water down the sauce or dressing.

A Gentle Feeling

The texture is not the same in any way, shape, or form. The noodles do not have the flavor or texture of conventional pasta or egg noodles; they are very mushy and soft.

They have a texture that is all their own, and as much as it pains me to say it, the healthy noodles seem very artificial to me.

The flavor is lacking in Healthy Noodles.

They do not have much a flavor at all. They take on the taste of whatever sauce or dressing you use, which is a nice feature, but the noodles themselves don't have much of a bite.

Healthy Noodle Spaghetti

I made a dish with the marinade and a container with noodles tossed in a spicy peanut sauce by following the recipes recommended on the box.

I wanted to start my experience with Healthy Noodles with something simple, so I made a pasta dish with marinara sauce.

Instead of purchasing a bottle of Rao's marinara sauce, which is quite expensive, I decided to use a more straightforward pasta sauce.

Spaghetti And Meatballs Healthy Noodles

Spaghetti And Meatballs Healthy Noodles

Spaghetti And Meatballs Healthy Noodles

The texture of the Healthy Noodles is so drastically different from that of traditional pasta that it threw me off quite a bit after I had spent many years eating conventional pasta dishes like spaghetti and meatballs made from ground beef.

Problems Enjoying These Noodles Due To Their Texture.

I did not take pleasure in any of this. As soon as I started chewing the noodles, my body triggered its natural reflex, making me gag.

Every time I took a bite about the size of a standard taste, my body tried to push the Healthy Noodles away. I could consume them quickly by reducing the bite-size to a small portion.

Healthy Noodles Prepared

I may have a problem with vegan or plant-based foods. Even more than the taste, I didn't care much for how those things felt in my mouth (Impossible Burger, Morningstar Veggie Patties).

In addition to the significant problem with the consistency, I also had a minor issue with the amount of water the noodles absorbed. After giving the noodles a quick rinse, I threw them unceremoniously into a simmering sauce made with marinara.

A portion of that water made its way into the marinara, which contributed to the soupiness of the overall dish.

A Serious Effort To Make It Work Out



My wife went with a homemade dish called "Spicy Peanut Healthy Noodles," and she experienced the same problem that I did. She found the consistency unpleasant, and as a result, she didn't even finish her meal.

We cannot consume these noodles for some reason; I do not know if we purchased a tainted batch or if this box of Healthy Noodles was not stored in the refrigerator as directed.

The fact that Healthy Noodles have gained much traction on the internet makes me wonder why my wife and I both had such an adverse reaction to the product after trying it.

In any case, we had no choice but to dispose of the remaining packets.

Healthy Noodle Cooking Instructions

Healthy Noodle Cooking Instructions

Healthy Noodle Cooking Instructions

The Healthy Noodles sold are so simple to prepare, one of the many advantages of purchasing them.

You can eat either hot or cold noodles, and to prepare them, all you need to cut open the package, rinse the noodles with water, drain them, and then serve them.

Even though I did not particularly enjoy the noodles, I must admit that they are trustworthy and as simple to prepare as the box suggests.

Excellent Calorie Content and Nutritional Profile; a Wonderful Addition to Any Diet!

It is where the noodles come into their own. These are meant to be a healthy alternative to traditional noodles, and I believe that Kibun did an excellent job creating them. A single serving of Healthy Noodles equals four ounces, half of a packet.

There are only 30 calories in each serving, 0 grams of fat, 6 grams of carbohydrates, and 1 gram of protein.

Healthy Noodle Nutritional Information

Healthy Noodle Nutritional Information

Healthy Noodle Nutritional Information

I have been to quite a few times, and I can confidently say that this nutritional profile is one of the best I have seen there. A total of 60 calories are contained in an amount of food equal to 8 ounces.

Meals That Are Low in Calories And Are Simple To Prepare With Healthy Noodles

If you were to combine the noodles with a sauce that was low in calories and a healthy protein like chicken breast, it would be possible for you to consume a substantial meal for less than 500 calories.

If you enjoy the flavor and consistency of healthy noodles, they can be an excellent addition to a diet.

Even if you don't like the taste or the texture, they are an excellent choice for diet food because after eating just a few bites of them, you won't feel the need to eat for the rest of the day.

Healthy Noodle Ingredients

Healthy Noodle Ingredients

Healthy Noodle Ingredients

Before I decided to buy a box of Healthy Noodles, I had no idea what they were. Even after researching the noodles, consuming them, and writing about them, I am no closer to understanding the constituent parts of these noodles. I'll list the ingredients here, and you can figure out what it all means on your own.

  • Water
  • Soybean Fiber Powder*
  • Cellulose
  • Sodium Alginate
  • Yam Konjac Powder
  • Calcium Chloride
  • Salt

*includes a minuscule amount of calories and contributes an insignificant quantity of sugar

Contains: So

Are Costco's Healthy Noodles Compatible With The Freezer?



The manufacturers of Healthy Noodle, Kibun, do not advise freezing the noodles because doing so would alter both the texture and the amount of water contained in the product.

If freezing and thawing the noodles helps remove some of the water and causes them to become more rigid, then I believe it would be beneficial for the noodles to go through this process. I don't think I could stomach giving it a shot, but if any of you are brave enough, please let me know how the flavor changes after being frozen.

Healthy Noodle Testimonials

I have included, for your amusement, the authentic and genuine testimonials printed on the Healthy Noodles box that can be purchased.

Description of the Product:

  • Price: $16.49
  • The amount is three pounds.
  • We are located within Costco, in the deli section.
  • The cost is $5.50 per pound.



I think it's fantastic that Costco carries a product similar to Healthy Noodle because I adore the concept of a low-carb diet noodle alternative. The preparation of Healthy Noodle is quick and straightforward, and the finished product boasts an excellent nutritional profile. My primary issue was that I couldn't stand the way it felt in my mouth.

The noodles had a distinct texture that was somewhere between soft and mushy. The noodles did not appeal to my taste, but I also recognize that I am not the target demographic for these noodles.

Costco will give you an excellent deal on Healthy Noodles if you are a fan of these noodles. If you haven't tried them out yet, you should probably start by purchasing a single pack from a retailer near you.


  • 6.8/10
  • Value - 6/10
  • Convenience - 10/10
  • Taste - 2/10
  • Nutrition - 10/10
  • CFDB Score - 6/10




  • Amazing nutritional profile
  • Simple to put together.


  • Unique texture
  • Review Methodology

In Conclusion

First, let me state that I am well aware that Costco Healthy Noodles are not marketed toward people with dietary restrictions like mine. If I had a medical requirement for a noodle that was low in carbs and calories, then I think my perspective would shift, but as it stands, I'm not in the least bit interested in these Healthy Noodles.

There is no flavor, and the texture is interesting, but it does not feel natural. Something about these Healthy Noodles from Costco doesn't sit right with me, and I can't quite put my finger on what it is.

If you need Healthy Noodles, it appears to have a reasonable price point for them, and the nutritional profile is outstanding, fantastic, and astounding.