Blueberries Nutrition - Here's What You Need to Know:

Blueberries Nutrition

Blueberries Nutrition

Updated on 10/20/2024
Ami DawsonBy Ami Dawson
Ami Dawson
Learn More about Ami Dawson

Blueberries are known as the "all-purpose" fruit because they can be consumed on their own as a snack, added to cereal, smoothies, salads, muffins, or pies, and they are reasonably priced, brilliantly colored, and delicious. In addition, blueberries can be had on their own as a snack because you can have them on your own. Additionally, there is a range of sizes available for blueberries. They are also delicious, which contributes to the fact that they are a fruit you can utilize in various contexts. Because of blueberries nutrition exceptionally high nutrient content and high concentration of potent antioxidants, they have been given the moniker of "superfood" due to these characteristics. That has been a factor in contributing to the reputation that they have established for themselves.

Whether wild or cultivated, wild or grown, or wild or cultivated, the vast majority of grocery stores carry blueberries in either their fresh or frozen form. That is true regardless of the source of the blueberries. Frozen blueberries are yet another type of this fruit that you may purchase. They supply carbohydrates with a low glycemic index and are rich in various nutrients. In addition, they are high in antioxidants.

Blueberry Nutrition Facts

Blueberries Nutrition

Blueberries Nutrition

One serving of raw blueberries, equal to one cup, has a total of 84 calories, 1 gram of protein, 21 grams of carbohydrates, and 0.5 grams of fat (148 grams). The anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin K, the antioxidant properties of vitamin C, and the manganese content in blueberries make them excellent food sources for these nutrients. Blueberries have been shown to contain significant amounts of all three of these essential elements. The United States Department of Agriculture was the source for nutrition information presented in the following sections (USDA).

  • Calories: 84
  • Fat: 0.5g
  • Sodium: 1.5mg
  • Carbohydrates: 21g
  • Fiber: 3.6g
  • Sugars: 15g
  • Protein: 1g
  • Vitamin C: 14.4mg
  • Vitamin E: 0.8mg
  • Vitamin K: 28.6mcg
  • Vitamin B6: 0.1mg


Blueberries Nutrition

Blueberries Nutrition

The natural condition of blueberries results in around 84 calories and 21 grams of carbs in one cup's worth of fruit. The weight of the fruit determines this. In addition to that, one serving of this product has around 4 grams of fiber already included in it.

Even though one cup of blueberries contains 15 grams of total sugar, the glycemic load of blueberries is below 10, which is a number that is considered to be a low value. Blueberries are a good source of fiber and antioxidants. A food's glycemic load is a measure that indicates how much of that food will cause an increase in one's blood sugar levels.


Blueberries are still considered a healthy food option even though they contain a negligible amount of fat and are free of any cholesterol.


Blueberries only provide a negligible quantity of protein compared to other fruits and vegetables. You should adjust your diet to include additional protein sources if you want to satisfy the daily requirements for a protein that you have established for yourself.

Vitamins And Minerals

Blueberries Nutrition

Blueberries Nutrition

Blueberries include a respectable quantity of vital minerals, including manganese, vitamin C, and vitamin K. Blueberries also contain vitamin C. Blueberries, like other berries, have a high concentration of antioxidants in their bodies. In addition to assisting in the metabolism of carbs and proteins, these components also help the body metabolize cholesterol. Blueberries are an excellent source of these vitamins and minerals and contain a significant amount.

2 Vitamin K is an essential component that must be present for proper blood clotting and the maintenance of healthy bones. Vitamin K also plays a vital role in the prevention of osteoporosis.


The weight of one cup of fresh blueberries is 148 grams, and the number of calories in fresh blueberries is 84. The carbohydrate component of the food accounts for 91% of the total 84 calories, whereas the protein component contributes just 5%, and the fat part contributes just 5% of those total calories.


Blueberries are a type of berry that is high in a range of nutrients yet only has a moderate amount of calories overall. They can be found in many forms, give a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, including fiber, and are readily available. Blueberries are a fantastic resource for a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals, including manganese, vitamin C, and vitamin K, to name just a few of these nutrients.

Health Benefits

Blueberries Nutrition

Blueberries Nutrition

Blueberries are a good source of polyphenols, considered a "superfood" for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and blueberries themselves are a superfood. There is a trace amount of this molecule in blueberries. Many studies have concluded that the high concentration of micronutrients found in the fruit of blueberries accounts for the wide range of positive effects that eating blueberries can have on one's health. According to several studies, consuming blueberries reduces the risk of diseases. You can reduce this risk by consuming around one-third of a cup's worth of blueberries daily.

Improve Memory

According to a study, eating blueberries can help keep your memory in good form and safeguard your brain from the cognitive loss that occurs with age. That is especially beneficial for older people. According to the results of one study, people who regularly drank blueberry juice had much superior memory performance than those who did not drink the juice. That was in comparison to people whose memory performance was significantly worse when they did not drink the liquid (and also decreased symptoms of depression). According to the findings of a more extensive and more in-depth study carried out over a more extended period and published in 2012, the consumption of berries was associated with a two-and-a-half-year delay in the onset of cognitive decline. You conducted this research over a more extended period, and the study was conducted over a longer time than initially planned.

Fight Inflammation

Blueberries Nutrition

Blueberries Nutrition

Blueberries are known to have a wide range of different phytochemicals. Compounds that originate from plants are referred to as phytochemicals. The berries' antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties come from the flavonoids that make up these components, and these components are responsible for the berries' attributes. Berries are an excellent source of flavonoids. Compared to the vitamin C content of other berries, blueberries have an exceptionally high level of this nutrient. In addition to its role as an antioxidant, which helps wounds heal and works to strengthen the immune system, it also possesses anti-aging characteristics, which make it helpful in preventing the onset of old age.

Reduce Heart Attack Risk

According to the findings of one study, female participants who consumed three or more servings of berries such as blueberries every week had a risk of getting a heart attack that was 32% lower than those who did not consume this amount of berries and had the same amount of berries in their diets. Blueberries have a high fiber level, which is excellent for cardiovascular health and makes you feel full after eating them. The blueberry's high fiber content is found in its skins, seeds, and pulp. One of the many reasons blueberries are regarded as so beneficial to your health is that they contain antioxidants. Fiber, the part of carbohydrates that you cannot digest, is responsible for the sensation of fullness, the maintenance of regular bowel movements, the assistance in the removal of cholesterol from the coronary arteries, and the support in maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

Blueberries can potentially be a source of anthocyanins, a different type of antioxidant than previously mentioned. An increase in blood flow and a reduction in plaque buildup benefit the heart, and these antioxidants can do both. These antioxidants can increase blood flow and stop plaque buildup in arteries.

Decrease Cancer Risk

Blueberries Nutrition

Blueberries Nutrition

Eating foods rich in anthocyanins may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, as indicated by the findings of several studies.

Meals like blueberries and other fruits and vegetables that have a vivid color, such as purple cabbage, include anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid. Anthocyanins are found in foods like these.

Improve Insulin Sensitivity

Even though blueberries contain sugars produced by the body on their own, the anthocyanins present in blueberries tend to enhance insulin sensitivity and assist bring down levels of blood sugar. The fact that this is the case shows that they may be able to contribute to a reduction in the risk of insulin resistance as well as type 2 diabetes.


Suppose you have an allergy to salicylates, the active ingredient in aspirin and other foods and personal care products. In that case, you should eat blueberries with caution because blueberries are a natural source of salicylates. If you have an allergy to salicylates, which are the active ingredient in aspirin and are also found in other foods and personal care products, you should avoid eating blueberries. If you have an allergy to salicylates, an active ingredient in aspirin, you may also be allergic to salicylates found in other foods and personal care items. Salicylates are the substance that gives aspirin its pain-relieving properties. Salicylates are found not only in a wide variety of meals but also in products used for personal care and hygiene (some people are more sensitive to salicylates than others).

Adverse Effects

Blueberries Nutrition

Blueberries Nutrition

Blueberries may cause an adverse reaction when combined with several different drugs. Blueberries are an excellent source of vitamin K, essential for forming blood clots, as well as salicylates, which are naturally created by the body and have a blood-thinning effect. You may find both of these components in plenty of blueberries. In addition, blueberries contain salicylates, which are well-known for their ability to thin blood naturally. If you are taking a blood thinner like Coumadin (warfarin), you should talk to your doctor about the potential adverse effects of eating foods high in salicylates and vitamin K while taking the medicine that has been recommended to you.


There aren't many fruits indigenous to North America, but blueberries are one of them. They are exclusively found in this particular part of the world. Blueberries are only found in one region on the entire planet, and that region is North America. You have the option of purchasing either blueberries that have been grown in a greenhouse or blueberries that have been picked from the wild. Both options are available for purchase. The flavor of wild berries is more robust and sourer than that of their domesticated counterparts, while the size of wild berries is less than that of their relatives that have been domesticated. In addition, the amounts of antioxidants that can be discovered in wild berries are far higher than those that you can find in berries that have been farmed.

If you want to satisfy your hunger for blueberries, you can purchase fresh or frozen blueberries; either choice is an excellent alternative. Investing in fresh blueberries is the strategy that will save you the most money. Frozen berries are a perfect option for fresh berries throughout the year because you can preserve them for longer than fresh berries can, and they are often harvested at their peak quality.

When They're Best

Blueberries Nutrition

Blueberries Nutrition

April and September are the months that mark the beginning and end of the blueberry harvest in North America. These months range from April through September. On the other hand, blueberries imported from South America, where the seasons run in the other direction, are accessible from October through March. The harvest season in North America begins in April and continues through September.

Choose berries that are juicy, completely dry, well-rounded, and have entirely smooth skin. They should be a vibrant shade of blue and give the idea that they are covered in a thin layer of frost. Even though they are not ripe and will not become more mature after being picked since they have already reached their complete maturity, you can still utilize blueberries with a reddish hue in cooking. That is because they have already reached their maximum maturity. If berries have gotten mushy, shrunken, or show any mold, you should steer clear of purchasing them.

Fresh blueberries are likely to be one of the varieties of fruit that can be obtained for the most excellent price when they are not in season because of the high demand for them. Choose blueberries that have been flash-frozen rather than fresh blueberries since they make a fantastic addition to smoothies and baked goods and even have the potential to be used as a topping for overnight oats. Blueberries have a high vitamin C content and are an excellent source of antioxidants. Frozen blueberries are a perfect choice if you're looking for a way to cut costs without compromising the health advantages of eating fresh blueberries. Even after they have been picked at the peak of their ripeness, which is when they are at their most nutrient-dense; research has shown that freezing berries helps maintain the nutritional content of the berries even after they have been picked at the peak of their ripeness even after they have been decided at the height of their ripeness, which is the time when they are at their most nutrient.

Storage And Food Safety

Blueberries Nutrition

Blueberries Nutrition

To get the most out of fresh blueberries, you should consume them within ten days of purchasing them and always store them in the refrigerator before eating them. Even though it is recommended to give them a brief swish under running water before eating, you shouldn't wash the blueberries until right before you plan to eat them or cook with them.

Even after the allotted length of time has passed, it is safe for a person to consume blueberries that have been frozen; they will not put the person at risk of being ill as a result of doing so. Once blueberries have been frozen, they can be stored in the freezer for up to one year without suffering any degeneration in their quality as a food source.

How To Prepare

Blueberries can be used as an ingredient in various baked goods, including pancakes, muffins, pies, and crumbles. That is made possible by the fruit's high level of versatility. Blueberries are highly versatile. You can incorporate them into smoothies, eat them with yogurt, cottage cheese, or oatmeal, purée them into a bowl, and then consume them on their own, or eat them with yogurt, cottage cheese, or oatmeal. The following are some additionally conceivable combinations: These components enhance the delicious flavor of balsamic vinegar, which you can utilize in preparing a sauce. You may pop them right into your mouth as a tasty snack, or you can toss them into a salad for a refreshing and colorful touch to the dish. Either way, you can't go wrong with either option. In any case, neither choice will lead to an undesirable outcome.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you eat blueberries every day?

It is possible that consuming blueberries will make it simpler for you to consume more of the necessary nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants; however, you should be careful not to consume excessive amounts of them. Blueberries are high in fiber, which can help keep your digestive system healthy. These fruits with dark pigmentation have a carbohydrate content of more than 21 grams per cup, of which 14.7 grams are made up of sugar.

When should you eat blueberries?

No specific time of day is superior to any other for eating blueberries. As a result, you shouldn't feel guilty about eating blueberries whenever you want, especially if you have a recipe in mind for a wholesome snack that calls for them. Adding blueberries to a smoothie will likely provide the most significant health benefits compared to any other form of eating blueberries.

What is the sugar content of blueberries?

Strawberries have almost three times the amount of sugar than blueberries, which is 15 grams per cup, and blueberries have only about a third of that amount (148 grams). On the other hand, they do not have any detrimental effects on the sugar levels found in the blood, which may be because of the high concentration of bioactive compounds within them.

How do blueberries help you sleep?

You discovered that it contains a significant quantity of magnesium, a mineral that promotes relaxation in the body and the brain and controls the generation of the hormone melatonin. In addition, it possesses a naturally high quantity of the amino acid known as tryptophan. Blueberries are beneficial due to the high concentration of antioxidants that they contain. Antioxidants assist in protecting us from the stress that is caused by difficulty sleeping, and they also help to support the health of our brains and our memories.

What are the benefits of blueberries for diabetics?

Even if you have diabetes, you don't need to worry about your health being negatively affected if you regularly consume enough fresh berries. You can appreciate blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries with the knowledge that they are a great and beneficial source of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. That is because all of these berries have a low score on the glycemic index.

What are the benefits of blueberries for the lungs?

Blueberry consumption, which has been connected to several health benefits, including the prevention and maintenance of lung function, is one of the health benefits associated with the consumption of blueberries, which are packed to the brim with nutrients. Blueberries, a key source of these hues, include high amounts of anthocyanins such as malvidin, cyanidin, peonidin, delphinidin, and petunidin. Blueberries are also known as the "fruit of the gods."