Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits & Side Effects

Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits

Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits

Updated on 10/20/2024
Natalia MarinBy Natalia Marin
Natalia Marin
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Alpha lipoic acid benefits is a form of antioxidant that is produced in the body on its own. It does this by helping to prevent harm to the cells. It is present in every cell, where it takes part in converting glucose into energy that the body can utilize, and it is found in converting glucose into energy. Antioxidants are molecules that neutralize "free radicals," which are waste products formed whenever the body converts food into energy. Free radicals can be found due to the body's energy conversion process. When the body transforms food into energy, a process known as "radicalization" occurs, which can be thought of as forming free radicals. When cells are damaged, it is far more difficult for the body to fight off illness on its own. Free radicals are the culprits behind the harmful chemical processes responsible for this damage. These free radicals are also the ones to blame for this damage. In addition, they are destructive to the organs and tissues of the body, which they affect. That results in the organs and tissues being damaged.

Some antioxidants, like vitamin C, are only active in water or fatty tissue, while others, like other antioxidants, are active in water and adipose tissue. One example of an antioxidant only active in water or fatty tissue is vitamin C. (such as vitamin E). On the other hand, alpha-lipoic acid has the unique property of dissolving in water and fat.This would imply that you can feel its effects throughout the entirety of the body. When antioxidants in the body are pitted against free radicals, the antioxidants in the body eventually run out, which is why antioxidant defenses need to be maintained. However, there is evidence to suggest that alpha-lipoic acid can help regenerate these other antioxidants and regain their effectiveness. Alpha-lipoic acid can restore other antioxidants' activity, which is why this is the case.

Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits

Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits

The transformation of alpha-lipoic acid into dihydrolipoic acid occurs inside the body's cells. Dihydrolipoic acid is produced as a result of this procedure. There is a distinction to be made between alpha-lipoic acid and alpha-linolenic acid. However, alpha-lipoic acid is not considered an omega-3 fatty acid, in contrast to alpha-linolenic acid. There is some speculation that alpha-linolenic acid is beneficial to the overall health of the heart. As a result of the fact that the acronyms for both alpha-lipoic acid and alpha-linolenic acid are typically shortened to ALA, many people tend to get the two mixed up with one another. People can remember only one of the two options due to this change. You can also refer to alpha-lipoic acid by its more common name, lipoic acid. Both of these names are correct.


Several studies suggest that alpha-lipoic acid is effective in helping to help the amount of glucose in the blood. People who suffer from diabetic peripheral neuropathy, a condition in which nerve damage causes symptoms such as pain, burning, itching, tingling, and numbness in the arms and legs, may help relieve the ability of this compound to eliminate free radicals. This condition causes pain, burning, itching, tingling, and numbness in the arms and legs. This illness can cause a variety of uncomfortable sensations in the arms and legs, including pain, burning, itching, tingling, and numbness. Alpha-lipoic acid may have the ability to help the body become more sensitive to the effects of insulin.

Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits

Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits

Alpha-lipoic acid has been successfully applied as a treatment for peripheral neuropathy in Germany for a significant amount of time. On the other hand, the vast majority of the research that has shown that it is effective has utilized an intravenous injection of alpha-lipoic acid. That is the case because of its established usefulness (IV). It is not clear at this time whether ingesting alpha-lipoic acid through the digestive system will be of any help. The vast majority of investigations on oral alpha-lipoic acid have been carried out on a far smaller scale, and the study designs that have been used in these studies have yet to be up to the standards that would be ideal. One study found that taking alpha-lipoic acid for diabetic neuropathy significantly lessened the severity of the symptoms of the sickness when compared to taking a placebo for the condition. That was the conclusion drawn from the data of the study.

The medical ailment known as autonomic neuropathy, which affects the nerves associated with the body's internal organs, is one in which taking alpha-lipoic acid can be beneficial. In a study that involved 73 people who had cardiac autonomic neuropathy, which is a condition that affects the heart, you discovered that subjects reported fewer signs of the disease when taking 800 mg of alpha-lipoic acid orally as opposed to when they took a placebo for the condition. That was the result of a comparison between the two treatments. That was in contrast to when you administered the state to them while they were given a sugar tablet. That was nevertheless the outcome, even though each volunteer was given the same quantity of the active ingredient.

Brain Function And Stroke

Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits

Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits

Alpha-lipoic acid could help protect the brain and nerve tissue because it can quickly enter the brain. That could be because it is readily absorbed by the brain, which is a possible explanation. Researchers are looking into the possibility of using it as a treatment for stroke and other brain ailments that include damage produced by free radicals, such as dementia. At this point, there needs to be sufficient evidence available to determine whether or not adhering to this plan will be successful.


It has been hypothesized that alpha-lipoic acid could be helpful in the treatment of glaucoma, and the findings of some preliminary research lend credence to this notion. On the other hand, there needs to be more information to conclude with complete certainty that it is successful. According to the findings of one study, using an anti-aging lotion containing 5% lipoic acid was beneficial in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles caused by extended exposure to the sun. The results of several separate pieces of study have come to the conclusion that ALA can make connections with a wide variety of metals, the majority of which are well-known to be poisonous. Mercury, arsenic, iron, and other metals that fulfill the function of free radicals are included in this category of metals. According to the results of a preliminary study, alpha-lipoic acid, more commonly referred to as ALA, has been demonstrated to be effective in treating various conditions, including cancer and erectile dysfunction. In addition to this, there is evidence from preliminary research that suggests that it may lessen the severity of difficulties that are associated with middle ear infections (ear infections).

Dietary Sources

Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits

Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits

The human body can manufacture sufficient amounts of alpha-lipoic acid through a process called synthesis, provided that the person is in good health. Additionally, you can find it in red meat, organ meats (like liver), and yeast, most notably brewer's yeast. It is also possible to detect it in wine.

Available Forms

Alpha-lipoic acid supplements are available as pills. In addition, the doctor or nurse taking care of you has the option of giving it to you in the form of an injection.

The Appropriate Approach To Take Towards Handling It


Because no studies have been conducted on children utilizing alpha-lipoic acid, you should not take the supplement with children under 18.


It is best to discuss this with your primary care physician. The research that has been carried out has led researchers to several different findings, all of which pertain to the question of whether or not you should consume ALA alongside food.


Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits

Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits

Taking dietary supplements is something that you should only do under the supervision of a certified medical expert licensed to practice medicine. That is because there is the possibility of suffering from unpleasant effects and combining badly with the medications you are already taking.

The scientific community does not know whether it is safe to consume alpha-lipoic acid during these times because there have been no studies conducted on pregnant or nursing women utilizing the compound.

Insomnia, exhaustion, diarrhea, and a rash on the skin are just some unpleasant consequences that could occur, even though they usually happen very infrequently. These are just some of the potential side effects.

If a person has diabetes or already has low blood sugar levels, taking you should only do alpha-lipoic acid under the guidance of a qualified medical professional who is experienced in treating these conditions. That is because the chemical possesses the capacity to bring about a decrease in the levels of sugar in the blood.

According to a study conducted on animals, those who do not consume an adequate amount of thiamine (vitamin B1) should not take alpha-lipoic acid. This recommendation comes from the research. Alcoholism can if allowed to continue unchecked for a significant amount of time, eventually lead to a lack of the B1 vitamin in the body.

Possible Interactions

Suppose you are currently being treated with any of the medications listed below. In that case, you should only take alpha-lipoic acid once you have discussed the possibility of doing so with your primary care physician or another qualified healthcare professional. Suppose you are currently being treated with any of the medications listed below. In that case, you should not take alpha-lipoic acid until you have first discussed the possibility of doing so with your It is possible that you could experience adverse effects if you take alpha-lipoic acid at the same time that you are taking any of these medications.

Medications For Diabetes

Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits

Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits

Alpha-lipoic acid can interact with some medications in a way that causes a reduction in the amount of sugar in the blood as a direct consequence of the interaction. Because of this Connection, the risk of hypoglycemia, another name for low blood sugar, is increased for every individual. Before beginning treatment with alpha-lipoic acid, you must consult your healthcare professional and make sure your blood sugar levels are being continuously monitored. Additionally, it is essential to consult with your healthcare professional before beginning treatment with alpha-lipoic acid. After discussing the matter with your healthcare professional, the amount of medication you take may need to be altered somehow.

Chemotherapy Medications

When combined, certain chemotherapy drugs and alpha-lipoic acid may have a synergistic effect that reduces the effectiveness of the drugs individually against cancer. Before beginning the use of any herbal medication or nutritional supplement, including alpha-lipoic acid, you should first discuss it with your oncologist. That is an industry-standard that should be adhered to at all times.

Thyroid Medications, Levothyroxine

There is speculation that alpha-lipoic acid is to blame for a reduction in the amount of thyroid hormone that is manufactured by the body. Both the hormone levels in your blood and the tests that evaluate your thyroid function should be monitored carefully by your doctor. They should also examine your thyroid function regularly. Because of this, I can guarantee you will receive the highest quality treatment.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

It is possible for alpha lipoic acid benefits to reduce the amount of vitamin B1 (Thiamine) present in the body, which is a potential outcome. Because alcoholics often already have problems with their nutrition, they are more likely to be affected negatively by the symptoms of this syndrome, which can have potentially lethal outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to take alpha-lipoic acid every day?

Even though there are no recognized dangers to one's health-related ALA, there are now no recommendations regarding how you should use it. Most oral supplements are made available on the market in the form of capsules or tablets, and the recommended daily dosages for these supplements typically range from 100 milligrams to 600 milligrams. Most studies agree that the average effective dose can go anywhere from 600 milligrams to 1,200 milligrams per day.

When taking alpha-lipoic acid, what vitamins should be avoided?

It is in your best interest to avoid combining alpha-lipoic acid with any other herbal or health products that can lower your blood sugar levels. That is because doing so could be dangerous. Devil's claw, fenugreek, garlic, guar gum, horse chestnut, Panax ginseng, psyllium, and Siberian ginseng are some of the herbs that fall under this group.

What is the best time to take alpha-lipoic acid?

If you want to get the most out of your alpha-lipoic acid tablets, it is best to take them on an empty stomach. Eating certain meals might decrease the bioavailability of the acid, and thus, doing so may prevent you from getting the most out of your pills. Even though there is no established dosage range, most studies indicate that any amount between 300 and 600 milligrams is sufficient and does not pose any health risks.

How does alpha-lipoic acid affect weight?

In animal tests, taking an ALA supplement was found to result in weight loss and a reduction in the fat mass the animals carried. That is performed by reducing the quantity of food ingested and increasing the energy spent. It may do this by blocking the activity of an enzyme called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in the hypothalamus, and that results in a decrease in body weight (19-22).

What are the benefits of alpha-lipoic acid for the kidneys?

Alpha-lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant created by the mitochondria, which are tiny powerhouses located inside every cell in your body. Every cell has its own set of mitochondria. Alpha lipoic acid contributes to converting nutrients into usable energy by acting as a component of several essential enzymes required for this transformation. However, alpha lipoic acid also plays a significant role in protecting your cells, especially the cells in your kidneys, from the oxidative damage that free radicals can cause. That is a crucial role that alpha lipoic acid plays in the body.

Is alpha-lipoic acid an appetite suppressant?

Alpha-Lipoic Acid, also referred to as ALA, is a naturally occurring molecule effective in treating many conditions, including obesity and chronic pain. Because of the natural anti-inflammatory properties of ALA, its effects on Leptin and AMPK, and its benefits for increasing energy, taking this dietary supplement daily can help suppress your appetite while also supplying you with the fuel you need to lead an active lifestyle.